Newmont Corporation (NYSE: NEM, TSX: NGT) lanzó su Informe Anual de Sustentabilidad 2020, que forma parte del conjunto de informes sobre las prácticas ambientales, sociales y de gobernanza (ESG) de la Compañía en áreas clave que incluyen salud, seguridad y protección, derechos, medio ambiente, aceptación social, gobernanza e inclusión y diversidad.
“Al celebrar nuestro centenario, el compromiso de Newmont con la minería sostenible y responsable nunca ha sido más fuerte. Nuestro informe de sostenibilidad proporciona una revisión integral de nuestro desempeño social, ambiental y de seguridad ”, dijo el presidente y director ejecutivo de Newmont, Tom Palmer. “Con este informe ofrecemos una revisión transparente de cómo trabajamos para marcar una diferencia positiva en las vidas de nuestros empleados, partes interesadas, socios comerciales y comunidades anfitrionas en todo el mundo”.
Aspectos destacados del Informe de sostenibilidad 2020 de Newmont:
- Commitment to health and safety: Achieved the best safety and financial performance in the Company’s history. Investments in our Fatality Risk Management program and a focus on the critical controls that prevent fatalities resulted in Newmont reducing potentially significant events and achieving the lowest injury rate in its history.
- Response to COVID-19: Activated the Company’s Rapid Response program to preserve the health and safety of the workforce, host and nearby Indigenous communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Through Newmont’s COVID-19 Global Community Support Fund, the Company has supported communities’ management and recovery from the pandemic in three key areas of need: workforce and community health, food security, and local economic resilience.
- Addressing climate change: Furthered Newmont’s commitment to environmental stewardship by announcing industry-leading climate change targets of more than a 30 percent reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions and a 30 percent reduction in Scope 3 missions by 2030, with an ultimate aspiration of being net zero carbon by 2050. Newmont has committed $500 million over the next five years to support efforts to meeting these goals.
- Continued value sharing: Newmont continued to play an important role in creating economic value in host communities and jurisdictions, contributing $7.7 billion in economic value for its workforce, host communities and jurisdictions through wages and benefits, operating costs, capital spend, royalties, and taxes. This also includes spending $3.9 billion with local and national suppliers and investing $20.5 million in community projects and providing ongoing opportunities for local and Indigenous employment.
Los esfuerzos de sustentabilidad de Newmont continúan siendo reconocidos por varias organizaciones independientes líderes:
- Recognized as top-ranked gold miner for the sixth consecutive year in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) while continuing to be recognized as the top mining company on FORTUNE’s list of the World’s Most Admired Companies;
- Earned a score of “A-“ from CDP for the CDP Climate assessment, reflecting the coordinated action on climate issues;
- Listed as 6th overall and the top mining company in 3BL’s 100 Best Corporate Citizens;
- Achieved a perfect score of 100 on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Corporate Equity Index for the Company’s work in creating an inclusive workplace for LGBTQ+ employees, and was included in Bloomberg’s Gender-Equality Index (GEI) for Newmont’s efforts to advance women in the workplace; and
- Ranked as the top gold miner in Newsweek’s list of America’s Most Responsible Companies for 2020 and as the second most transparent company in the S&P 500.
El Informe de Sustentabilidad 2020 de Newmont está escrito de acuerdo con la opción GRI Standards Core, el Suplemento GRI del Sector de Minería y Metales, el Protocolo de Metales y Minería de la Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), y está asegurado externamente. Además, este informe se alinea con dos nuevos marcos de divulgación, las expectativas de desempeño de los principios de minería de ICMM y los principios de minería de oro responsable del World Gold Council.
El informe continúa demostrando el compromiso de Newmont con la transparencia y la responsabilidad en sus temas de sostenibilidad más importantes. Para apoyar a la comunidad inversora en su comprensión del informe y para proporcionar información útil para la toma de decisiones para las partes interesadas, Newmont organizará un webcast el 8 de julio para discutir el contenido de su conjunto de informes de sostenibilidad. El Informe de Sostenibilidad 2020 completo, junto con las tablas de datos ESG y un índice de contenido GRI / SASB completo, está disponible para descargar en el sitio web de Newmont.